3 Steps to Keep Your New Year’s Resolution

Man with fireworks depicts New Year's celebration and achieving New Year's Resolution
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New Year’s Resolutions are essentially goals, which people set, usually in late December; to-be-accomplished in the upcoming new year. The word “resolution” demonstrates the personal “resolve” (in other words, “dedication & determination”) towards accomplishing your goal.

According to Finder Blog, 74.72% of adult Americans, set New Year’s Resolutions! Sadly, 12.23% don’t even believe that they CAN achieve their goal! And, UAB Medicine News tells us that only 8% of Americans actually accomplish our New Year’s Resolution goals each year!

As a side-note: If you don’t even believe in your ability to achieve something, that thing is NOT a goal, and it certainly is NOT a resolution!

So, what can you do to be in that 8% of New Year’s Resolution achievers? Well, follow these 3 steps:

1) Set the right goal for yourself.

It all starts with setting a reasonable goal! Are you interested? Are you passionate? Is this something YOU want? (IMPORTANT: Your resolution can’t be someone else’s desire!) What do you hope to accomplish? What is a reasonable date by which you want to achieve your goal? Now, write these things down! (You are more likely to accomplish a goal that you write down.)

So, clearly write out your goal; the date when you want to have accomplished your goal; and some very specific steps you can think of (that you can and will follow) to get you to your goal.

2) Form a support network.

Motivation tends to fade before results are noticeable. So, while your support network doesn’t have to be an army. One or more people who genuinely WANT you to succeed, will help you keep your motivation.

Talk to your family and friends about your goal. Ask them to help you, by offering their kindness and support throughout your journey. And please remember, it is important to always have compassion for yourself.

If you have a setback, you have not failed. Just get back on track as early as possible, and keep following the steps that are taking you to your goal.

3) Track & Share Your Progress, and Celebrate Your Achievement!

While people probably don’t want to be bombarded with daily updates of your progression towards your goal, weekly updates (such as on your social media pages) are great!

Set, and stick to, an “Updates” schedule. This way, you remain accountable.

For example, if you are a Facebook user, maybe every Wednesday at 6:30 PM you post a picture and a short description of what you have accomplished since last Wednesday’s 6:30 PM post. *In my experience, people love before and after images that show a clear and noticeable improvement!

Continue updating your progress, according to your schedule. And, when you have reached your goal, post a “Special Bulletin” update. Let people know that you have worked, kept at it, and succeeded!

Don’t forget to reward yourself! You have earned it! Just be sure that your reward does not sabotage your efforts!

For instance, if you just achieved a resolution of 40-pound weight-loss, through dedicated nutrition and exercise; you should probably steer clear of rewards that include unhealthy eating!

Finally, while I do not necessarily think of New Year’s Resolutions as the most reasonable of goals because, they are somewhat of a cliche. What I mean is, New Year’s Resolutions may stem more from social expectations that entice people to set New Year’s Resolutions. While real goals, the goals you will strive to actually achieve, are goals that you set for yourself; often in response to some motivation source that you experience.

Now, that being said, I do believe that, if you are careful in your planning and motivations; and if you are passionate; then, with the help of your personal support network, you can achieve your resolutions, anytime of year!

Follow through. Enjoy your success. Then, begin working toward your next goal. You don’t have to wait for New Year’s to roll around!


Chrystal Taylor Nelson, M.A.

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About the Author

Chrystal Taylor Nelson, M.A.

Chrystal Nelson is a momma, wife, water treatment plant operator and certified life coach, with a bachelor’s degree in Biology, and a master’s degree in Social Responsibility & Sustainable Communities. She spends her life navigating & overcoming the various challenges of just being human; so she figures other people probably do too! She founded Improvementals to help make wellbeing easier for everyone!

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