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Hello and Welcome to Improvementals!

Please allow me to tell you a bit about me, and about the Improvementals Blog:

Please use Improvementals responsibly. Talk to your doctor(s), financial (or other) advisor(s), and/or trusted/loved ones, before making any changes that could affect your health or wellness. Improvementals is an informative, educational & entertainment website. The content on or of Improvementals is not intended to replace the advice of any doctor(s), financial (or other) advisor(s), or trusted loved ones. I do not diagnose or treat any conditions, and I do not claim to do so. This post may contain both paid & unpaid links, so I may sometimes receive affiliate or other compensation, AT NO COST TO YOU, if you click on any links here and/or make a purchase. I GREATLY APPRECIATE YOU! PLEASE SHOW YOUR SUPPORT BY CLICKING LINKS ON THIS PAGE!

I created Improvementals to help me achieve wellness, improve my life satisfaction (along with my finances) to also document and share my journey, and to help you to also achieve wellness, for personal (and perhaps financial) improvement too!

The information on Improvementals is provided for educational and entertainment purposes only and is not intended to treat, cure, diagnose, or prevent disease. Always consult your primary care physician or naturopathic doctor before making any significant changes to your health routine.

My name is Chrystal Taylor Nelson, by the way. And, I am a Certified Life Coach with a Master’s Degree in Social Responsibility & Sustainable Communities.

I’m blessed to have the love of my wonderful family! I have a creative, skate-boarding, video-gaming, sixteen-year-old son named Wildon. I live in Kentucky with my amazing, very patient husband Michael, and our two, eight-year-old Rat terriers (brother and sister) CowCow and Clyde.

Our full-of-meanness, I mean full-of-smiles son, provides Michael and I much to reflect upon in life. He certainly keeps us on our toes through his loving pranks and the practical, yet often very difficult, real-life questions he asks. We are truly blessed, and grateful for our Wildon.

Chrystal and Michael Nelson

Picture of Chrystal and Michael Nelson on their wedding day.
In Love and Just Married

Wildon, CowCow, and Clyde

Further, I am tremendously grateful I married my best friend! Michael and I married on August 21, 2021; and, our life together is wonderful! That is, when we are actually able to spend waking hours together!

Our respective workplaces have Michael and I living/working on opposing schedules—literally night and day. And, as you may have guessed about our situation; this arrangement has proven quite lonely and undesirable for the both of us. So, I vowed to change our lives for the better!

Thus, I took stock of my situation: I have a Master’s Degree in Social Responsibility and Sustainable Communities, writing skills, a love of learning, and a desire to make the world a better place. So, when I began researching possible business-ownership ideas and blogging came up as a suggestion, it was like a light came on! (That is why the light bulb logo icon.)

Improvementals Icon

Improvementals logo light bulb-face

Immediately, I felt it! I must blog because, this is what I am meant to do! All my accomplishments, skills, and education, have led me to blogging! I mean, I cannot believe I did not think about things, and realize this as my calling much, much sooner!

Regardless, there is an interesting fact about me:  I do not give up on my goals! While sometimes I struggle to keep my motivation in the moment, I just do not give up! I know perseverance pays off! And, I know this from experience. I also know that I am meant to author the Improvementals blog.

So, please journey along with me on this adventure of wellness & personal improvement, and become an Improvementalist with me! Currently, we are located at improvementals.com and at facebook.com/improvementals.

Join the Improvementals community and start your wellness and reward lifestyle today!

Improve yourself physically, emotionally, and professionally! After all, your most important investment is YOU!

When you feel the support of your companion-Improvementalists, and you redouble your own dedication, I predict you will be pleasantly surprised by your own capabilities! We are all here because, we want to be our best self. So let’s begin! Shall we?

Chrystal Taylor Nelson, M.A.

Chrystal Taylor Nelson Improvementals Author
Founder of Improvementals,
Chrystal Taylor Nelson, M.A.

Improvementals:  Improved Minds. Better Lives.

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